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Nie 23:30, 11 Lis 2012 Temat postu: |
tylko w tej teczce jest jeszcze sporo ciekawszych rzutow i przekorojow tego obiektu. Dobre i to, skoro za darmo. |
Pon 16:17, 04 Kwi 2011 Temat postu: |
Dziękuję, zajrzę do tej pierwszej książki , jest w bibliotece , ale mimo to dziękuję za ofertę |
Pon 12:20, 04 Kwi 2011 Temat postu: |
Przede wszystkim to nie 4 tylko 5 - piaty jest na Bialodrzewnej. Kwestie architektoniczne rozwazyl tylko J. Dobesz we "Wrocławska architektura spod znaku swastyki na tle budownictwa III Rzeszy" mowa jest glownie o 4 znajdujacych sie w srodmiesciu wysokich schronach, brak w zasadzie informacji o obiekcie przy ul. Bialodrzewnej, chociaz obiekt ten, tak jak pozostale posiada jakies tam cechy zdobnicze, akurat w formie boniowanych naroznikow, jesli dobrze pamietam. Na pewno oko architekta dopatrzyloby sie czegos jeszcze.
J. Dobesz mial tez artykul w " GMACH - Architektura Wrocławia", tom 4, pod red. J Rozpędowskiego, Wrocław 1998 ss. 435-467. Moge wypozyczyc jesli trzeba. |
Pon 10:52, 04 Kwi 2011 Temat postu: |
Jestem zainteresowana naziemnymi schronami obrony przeciwlotniczej LS Hochbunker. Interesują mnie 4 wskazane wyżej obiekty , a konkretniej wartości architektoniczno krajobrazowe.
Czy mógłby mi ktoś polecić , jakąś ciekawą literaturę zawężającą się do tego konkretnego zagadnienia ?
Byłabym wdzięczna za odpowiedź |
Pią 19:48, 12 Gru 2008 Temat postu: Wrocławskie Hochbunkry |
Dla tych, co nie wiedzą:
Cytat: |
The Hochbunker in Trier
Hochbunker(s), or "high-rise" bunkers or (blockhouses), were a peculiarly German type of construction, designed to relieve the pressure German authorities were facing to accommodate additional numbers of the population in high-density housing areas, as well as pedestrians on the streets during air raids. In contrast to any other shelters, these buildings were indeed considered completely bomb-proof. They also had the advantage of being built upward — much more cheaply — than downward by excavation. There were no equivalents of hochbunkers in the cities of the Allied countries.
Hochbunkers consisted usually of large concrete blocks above ground of thicknesses between 1 m and 1.5 m, huge lintels above doorways and openings, and they often had a constant interior temperature of 7 to 10 °C, thus being perfectly suitable for laboratory utilization during and after the war. They had been designated to protect people, administrative centres, important archives and works of art.
Their structures took many forms, square blocks, but also lower and longer rectangular shapes, including triangles, straight towers of a square plan rising to great heights, as well as round tower-like edifices, even pyramidal constructions. Some of the circular towers contained helical floors that gradually curved their way upward within the circular walls. Many of these structures may still be seen to this day. They have been converted into offices, storage space, and some have even been adopted for hotels, hospitals and schools, as well as many other peacetime purposes. The cost of demolishing these edifices after the war would have been enormous, as the attempts at breaking up one of the six so-called Flak Towers of Vienna proved, hochbunkers which during the war had anti-aircraft batteries at their top platforms. Only a crack could be achieved in one of the walls, before the attempt had to be abandoned. In Schöneberg, a block of flats was built over the Pallasstrasse air-raid shelter after World War II. During the Cold War, the shelter was used as a NATO food-store[12][13] |
We Wrocławiu mamy cztery hochbunkry w następujących miejscach:
pl. Strzegomski
ul Stalowa
ul. Ołbińska
ul. Ładna |